2015 年度大學聯招學額分佈
於 2015 學年,大學聯招參與院校有 9 家,合共提供 233 個課程,總學額 18,365 個。我們整理了以下目錄,方便你查閱課程及學額的分佈。請使用提供的篩選名單功能,按表格標題會有排序功能。
輸入院校名字,篩選顯示各院校提供的聯招課程。可輸入:HKU, CUHK, HK-UST, PolyU, CityU, HKBU, LingnanU, OUHK, HKIEd。輸入課程關鍵字詞,篩選顯示不同院校提供的類似課程。例如輸入 Medicine, Laws, 工商管理。
編碼 | 院校 | 課程名稱 | 學額 |
JS1001 | CityU | 商學院 (工商管理學士) College of Business (Bachelor of Business Administration) | 685 |
JS1011 | CityU | 人文社會科學院 (文學士 / 社會科學學士) College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Social Sciences) | 383 |
JS1041 | CityU | 創意媒體學院 (文學士 / 理學士 / 文理學士) School of Creative Media (Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Arts and Science) | 118 |
JS1051 | CityU | 能源及環境學院 (工學士 - 能源科學及工程學) School of Energy and Environment (Bachelor of Engineering - Energy Science and Engineering) | 42 |
JS1061 | CityU | 法律學院 (法律學學士) School of Law (Bachelor of Laws) | 50 |
JS1091 | CityU | 副理學士 - 屋宇裝備工程學 / 建造工程及管理學 / 測量學 Associate of Science - Building Services Engineering / Construction Engineering and Management / Surveying | 340 |
JS1093 | CityU | 副理學士 - 建築學 Associate of Science - Architectural Studies | 92 |
JS1201 | CityU | 建築學及土木工程學系 (工學士 / 理學士) Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Bachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Science) | 105 |
JS1202 | CityU | 生物及化學系 (理學士) Department of Biology and Chemistry (Bachelor of Science) | 89 |
JS1204 | CityU | 電腦科學系 (理學士 - 電腦科學) Department of Computer Science (Bachelor of Science - Computer Science) | 95 |
JS1205 | CityU | 電子工程學系 (工學士) Department of Electronic Engineering (Bachelor of Engineering) | 205 |
JS1206 | CityU | 數學系 (理學士 - 計算數學) Department of Mathematics (Bachelor of Science - Computing Mathematics) | 35 |
JS1207 | CityU | 機械及生物醫學工程學系 (工學士) Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering (Bachelor of Engineering) | 124 |
JS1208 | CityU | 物理及材料科學系 (工學士 / 理學士) Department of Physics and Materials Science (Bachelor of Engineering / Bachelor of Science) | 78 |
JS1209 | CityU | 系統工程及工程管理學系 (工學士) Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management (Bachelor of Engineering) | 86 |
JS2020 | HKBU | 文學士 Bachelor of Arts | 168 |
JS2030 | HKBU | 音樂文學士 Bachelor of Arts in Music | 28 |
JS2040 | HKBU | 英國語言文學及英語教學 (雙學位課程) English Language & Literature and English Language Teaching (Double Degree) | 35 |
JS2110 | HKBU | 工商管理學士 - 會計學 Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting | 54 |
JS2120 | HKBU | 工商管理學士 Bachelor of Business Administration | 220 |
JS2310 | HKBU | 傳理學社會科學學士 Bachelor of Social Sciences in Communication | 122 |
JS2410 | HKBU | 中醫學學士及生物醫學理學士 Bachelor of Chinese Medicine and Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science | 30 |
JS2420 | HKBU | 中藥學學士 Bachelor of Pharmacy in Chinese Medicine | 15 |
JS2510 | HKBU | 理學士 Bachelor of Science | 214 |
JS2610 | HKBU | 文學士/社會科學學士 Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Social Sciences | 113 |
JS2620 | HKBU | 體育及康樂管理文學士 Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education and Recreation Management | 26 |
JS2630 | HKBU | 歐洲研究社會科學學士 - 法文 Bachelor of Social Sciences in European Studies - French Stream | 15 |
JS2640 | HKBU | 歐洲研究社會科學學士 - 德文 Bachelor of Social Sciences in European Studies - German Stream | 15 |
JS2650 | HKBU | 中國研究社會科學學士 (經濟/地理/歷史/社會學) Bachelor of Social Sciences in China Studies (Economics / Geography / History / Sociology) | 60 |
JS2660 | HKBU | 社會工作學士 Bachelor of Social Work | 43 |
JS2680 | HKBU | 地理/歷史/社會學及通識教學 (雙學位課程) Geography / History / Sociology and Liberal Studies Teaching (Double Degree) | 12 |
JS2810 | HKBU | 視覺藝術文學士 Bachelor of Arts in Visual Arts | 53 |
JS7100 | LingnanU | 文學士(榮譽) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) | 248 |
JS7200 | LingnanU | 工商管理(榮譽)學士 Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) | 177 |
JS7300 | LingnanU | 社會科學(榮譽)學士 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) | 128 |
JS4006 | CUHK | 人類學 Anthropology | 20 |
JS4018 | CUHK | 中國語言及文學 Chinese Language and Literature | 83 |
JS4020 | CUHK | 文化研究 Cultural Studies | 17 |
JS4022 | CUHK | 文化管理 Cultural Management | 24 |
JS4032 | CUHK | 英文 English | 60 |
JS4044 | CUHK | 藝術 Fine Arts | 21 |
JS4056 | CUHK | 歷史 History | 51 |
JS4068 | CUHK | 日本研究 Japanese Studies | 25 |
JS4070 | CUHK | 語言學 Linguistics | 20 |
JS4082 | CUHK | 音樂 Music | 31 |
JS4094 | CUHK | 哲學 Philosophy | 23 |
JS4109 | CUHK | 宗教研究 Religious Studies | 20 |
JS4111 | CUHK | 神學 Theology | 20 |
JS4123 | CUHK | 翻譯 Translation | 35 |
JS4202 | CUHK | 工商管理學士綜合課程 Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration Programme | 259 |
JS4214 | CUHK | 環球商業學 Global Business Studies | 18 |
JS4226 | CUHK | 酒店及旅遊管理學 Hotel and Tourism Management | 66 |
JS4236 | CUHK | 保險、金融與精算學 / 計量金融學 Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis / Quantitative Finance | 80 |
JS4240 | CUHK | 專業會計學 Professional Accountancy | 134 |
JS4254 | CUHK | 環球經濟與金融跨學科主修課程 Interdisciplinary Major Programme in Global Economics and Finance | 25 |
JS4276 | CUHK | 計量金融學及風險管理科學 Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Science | 20 |
JS4288 | CUHK | 國際貿易與中國企業 International Business and Chinese Enterprise | 20 |
JS4329 | CUHK | 健康與體育運動科學 Physical Education, Exercise Science and Health | 20 |
JS4331 | CUHK | 文學士及教育學士 (中國語文教育) 同期結業雙學位課程 BA and BEd (Chinese Language Education) Co-terminal Double Degree Programme | 26 |
JS4343 | CUHK | 文學士(英國語文研究)及教育學士(英國語文教育) B.A. (English Studies) and B.Ed. (English Language Education) | 25 |
JS4355 | CUHK | 通識教育 Liberal Studies | 18 |
JS4361 | CUHK | 教育學士(數學及數學教育) B.Ed. in Mathematics and Mathematics Education | 22 |
JS4401 | CUHK | 工程學 Engineering | 510 |
JS4501 | CUHK | 內外全科醫學士課程 Medicine (MBChB) Programme | 210 |
JS4502 | CUHK | 內外全科醫學士課程環球醫學領袖培訓專修組別 Medicine (MBChB) Programme Global Physician-Leadership Stream (GPS) | 25 |
JS4513 | CUHK | 護理學 Nursing | 197 |
JS4525 | CUHK | 藥劑學 Pharmacy | 55 |
JS4537 | CUHK | 公共衞生 Public Health | 35 |
JS4542 | CUHK | 中醫學 Chinese Medicine | 25 |
JS4601 | CUHK | 理學 Science | 413 |
JS4682 | CUHK | 數學精研 Enrichment Mathematics | 27 |
JS4690 | CUHK | 理論物理精研 Enrichment Stream in Theoretical Physics | 20 |
JS4719 | CUHK | 風險管理科學 Risk Management Science | 27 |
JS4801 | CUHK | 社會科學 Social Science | 88 |
JS4812 | CUHK | 建築學 Architectural Studies | 35 |
JS4824 | CUHK | 經濟學 Economics | 72 |
JS4836 | CUHK | 地理與資源管理學 Geography and Resource Management | 40 |
JS4838 | CUHK | 城市研究 Urban Studies | 17 |
JS4848 | CUHK | 政治與行政學 Government and Public Administration | 42 |
JS4850 | CUHK | 新聞與傳播學 Journalism and Communication | 54 |
JS4862 | CUHK | 心理學 Psychology | 51 |
JS4874 | CUHK | 社會工作學 Social Work | 48 |
JS4886 | CUHK | 社會學 Sociology | 42 |
JS4895 | CUHK | 當代中國研究 (人文學科範疇) Contemporary China Studies (for Humanities stream) | 3 |
JS4896 | CUHK | 當代中國研究 (社會科學範疇) Contemporary China Studies (for Social Science stream) | 3 |
JS4903 | CUHK | 法學士 Bachelor of Laws | 70 |
JS8105 | HKIEd | 中國語文教育榮譽學士 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Chinese Language | 135 |
JS8117 | HKIEd | 英國語文教育榮譽學士 — 中學 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in English Language - Secondary | 55 |
JS8222 | HKIEd | 英國語文教育榮譽學士 — 小學 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in English Language - Primary | 30 |
JS8234 | HKIEd | 常識小學教育榮譽學士 Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Primary) in General Studies | 30 |
JS8246 | HKIEd | 數學小學教育榮譽學士 Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Primary) in Mathematics | 50 |
JS8325 | HKIEd | 體育教育榮譽學士 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Physical Education | 28 |
JS8337 | HKIEd | 音樂教育榮譽學士 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Music | 37 |
JS8349 | HKIEd | 視覺藝術教育榮譽學士 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Visual Arts | 38 |
JS8361 | HKIEd | 資訊及通訊科技中學教育榮譽學士 Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Secondary) in Information and Communication Technology | 25 |
JS8371 | HKIEd | 企業、會計與財務概論中學教育榮譽學士 Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Secondary) in Business, Accounting and Financial Studies | 20 |
JS8381 | HKIEd | 歷史中學教育榮譽學士 Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Secondary) in History | 20 |
JS8391 | HKIEd | 數學中學教育榮譽學士 Bachelor of Education (Honours) (Secondary) in Mathematics | 15 |
JS8404 | HKIEd | 幼兒教育榮譽學士 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in Early Childhood Education | 18 |
JS8507 | HKIEd | 幼兒教育高級文憑 Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education | 316 |
JS8600 | HKIEd | 語文研究榮譽文學士 (中文) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies (Chinese) | 20 |
JS8612 | HKIEd | 語文研究榮譽文學士 (英文) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies (English) | 20 |
JS8624 | HKIEd | 全球及環境研究榮譽社會科學學士 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Global and Environmental Studies | 30 |
JS8636 | HKIEd | 創意藝術與文化榮譽文學士 (音樂) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture (Music) | 15 |
JS8648 | HKIEd | 創意藝術與文化榮譽文學士 (視覺藝術) Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Arts and Culture (Visual Arts) | 15 |
JS8651 | HKIEd | 心理學榮譽社會科學學士 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Psychology | 20 |
JS3002 | PolyU | 應用科學廣泛學科 Broad Discipline of Applied Sciences | 28 |
JS3014 | PolyU | 應用物理學高級文憑 HD in Applied Physics | 76 |
JS3026 | PolyU | 屋宇設備工程學高級文憑 HD in Building Services Engineering | 95 |
JS3038 | PolyU | 建築科技及管理學高級文憑(工程) HD in Building Technology & Management (Engineering) | 50 |
JS3040 | PolyU | 化學科技高級文憑 HD in Chemical Technology | 78 |
JS3052 | PolyU | 土木工程學高級文憑 HD in Civil Engineering | 98 |
JS3064 | PolyU | 電機工程學高級文憑 HD in Electrical Engineering | 78 |
JS3076 | PolyU | 電子及資訊工程學高級文憑 HD in Electronic & Information Engineering | 118 |
JS3088 | PolyU | 測繪及地理資訊學高級文憑 HD in Geomatics | 86 |
JS3090 | PolyU | 酒店業管理高級文憑 HD in Hotel Management | 80 |
JS3117 | PolyU | 工業及系統工程學高級文憑 HD in Industrial & Systems Engineering | 58 |
JS3131 | PolyU | 工商管理廣泛學科 Broad Discipline of Business | 73 |
JS3143 | PolyU | 國際物流管理高級文憑 HD in International Transport Logistics | 75 |
JS3155 | PolyU | 服裝及紡織學高級文憑組合課程 HD Scheme in Fashion and Textile Studies | 145 |
JS3193 | PolyU | 多媒體設計與科技高級文憑 HD in Multimedia Design & Technology | 90 |
JS3208 | PolyU | 建設及環境廣泛學科 Broad Discipline of Construction & Environment | 57 |
JS3284 | PolyU | 建築科技及管理學高級文憑(測量) HD in Building Technology & Management (Surveying) | 75 |
JS3296 | PolyU | 酒店及旅遊業管理廣泛學科 Broad Discipline of Hotel and Tourism Management | 84 |
JS3301 | PolyU | 社會科學廣泛學科 Broad Discipline of Social Sciences | 12 |
JS3313 | PolyU | 工程學廣泛學科 Broad Discipline of Engineering | 58 |
JS3337 | PolyU | 精神健康護理學(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Mental Health Nursing | 70 |
JS3349 | PolyU | 食品科技與食物安全(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Food Safety and Technology | 23 |
JS3351 | PolyU | 運輸系統工程學(榮譽)工學士學位 BEng (Hons) in Transportation Systems Engineering | 27 |
JS3363 | PolyU | 投資科學(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Investment Science | 18 |
JS3375 | PolyU | 環境與可持續發展學(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Environment & Sustainable Development | 24 |
JS3404 | PolyU | 產品工程兼市場學(榮譽)工學士學位 BEng (Hons) in Product Engineering with Marketing | 23 |
JS3428 | PolyU | 產品分析及工程設計學(榮譽)工學士學位 BEng (Hons) in Product Analysis & Engineering Design | 23 |
JS3442 | PolyU | 物業管理學(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Property Management | 21 |
JS3454 | PolyU | 物流工程兼管理(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Logistics Engineering with Management | 23 |
JS3466 | PolyU | 會計及金融(榮譽)工商管理學士學位 BBA (Hons) in Accounting & Finance | 37 |
JS3478 | PolyU | 醫療化驗科學(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Medical Laboratory Science | 44 |
JS3480 | PolyU | 語言、文化及傳意廣泛學科 Broad Discipline of Language, Culture & Communication | 90 |
JS3492 | PolyU | 服裝及紡織(榮譽)文學士學位組合課程 BA (Hons) Scheme in Fashion and Textiles | 107 |
JS3519 | PolyU | 互聯網及多媒體科技(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Internet & Multimedia Technologies | 24 |
JS3521 | PolyU | 企業工程兼管理(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Enterprise Engineering with Management | 22 |
JS3533 | PolyU | 全球供應鏈管理(榮譽)工商管理學士學位 BBA (Hons) in Global Supply Chain Management | 27 |
JS3545 | PolyU | 社會政策及行政(榮譽)文學士學位 BA (Hons) in Social Policy & Administration | 18 |
JS3569 | PolyU | 設計學(榮譽)文學士學位組合課程 BA (Hons) Scheme in Design | 96 |
JS3583 | PolyU | 管理學(榮譽)工商管理學士學位 BBA (Hons) in Management | 48 |
JS3595 | PolyU | 金融服務(榮譽)工商管理學士學位 BBA (Hons) in Financial Services | 29 |
JS3600 | PolyU | 生物醫學工程(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Biomedical Engineering | 23 |
JS3612 | PolyU | 放射學(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Radiography | 98 |
JS3624 | PolyU | 職業治療學(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy | 90 |
JS3636 | PolyU | 物理治療學(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Physiotherapy | 110 |
JS3648 | PolyU | 護理學(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Nursing | 173 |
JS3650 | PolyU | 眼科視光學(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Optometry | 34 |
JS3662 | PolyU | 社會工作(榮譽)文學士學位 BA (Hons) in Social Work | 31 |
JS3674 | PolyU | 國際航運及物流管理(榮譽)工商管理學士學位 BBA (Hons) in International Shipping & Transport Logistics | 28 |
JS3686 | PolyU | 機械工程學(榮譽)工學士學位 BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering | 35 |
JS3698 | PolyU | 工業及系統工程學(榮譽)工學士學位 BEng (Hons) in Industrial & Systems Engineering | 28 |
JS3703 | PolyU | 電子及資訊工程學(榮譽)工學士學位 BEng (Hons) in Electronic & Information Engineering | 35 |
JS3715 | PolyU | 電機工程學(榮譽)工學士學位 BEng (Hons) in Electrical Engineering | 37 |
JS3727 | PolyU | 測繪及地理資訊學(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Geomatics | 34 |
JS3739 | PolyU | 土木工程學(榮譽)工學士學位 BEng (Hons) in Civil Engineering | 59 |
JS3753 | PolyU | 屋宇設備工程學(榮譽)工學士學位 BEng (Hons) in Building Services Engineering | 30 |
JS3789 | PolyU | 地產及建設測量學(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Surveying | 43 |
JS3791 | PolyU | 建築工程及管理學(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Building Engineering and Management | 21 |
JS3868 | PolyU | 電子計算廣泛學科 Broad Discipline of Computing | 94 |
JS3894 | PolyU | 市場學(榮譽)工商管理學士學位 BBA (Hons) in Marketing | 52 |
JS3911 | PolyU | 會計學(榮譽)工商管理學士學位 BBA (Hons) in Accountancy | 106 |
JS3923 | PolyU | 應用生物兼生物科技(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Applied Biology with Biotechnology | 24 |
JS3985 | PolyU | 工程物理學(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Engineering Physics | 22 |
JS3997 | PolyU | 化學科技(榮譽)理學士學位 BSc (Hons) in Chemical Technology | 24 |
JS5001 | HK-UST | 理學 Science | 455 |
JS5002 | HK-UST | 工程學 Engineering | 678 |
JS5003 | HK-UST | 工商管理 Business and Management | 675 |
JS5004 | HK-UST | 環球中國研究:人文及社會科學 Global China Studies: Humanities and Social Science | 48 |
JS5011 | HK-UST | 國際科研 International Research Enrichment | 20 |
JS5013 | HK-UST | 環球商業管理 Global Business | 25 |
JS6004 | HKU | 建築學文學士 Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies | 65 |
JS6016 | HKU | 理學士(測量學) Bachelor of Science in Surveying | 44 |
JS6028 | HKU | 園境學文學士 Bachelor of Arts in Landscape Studies | 12 |
JS6030 | HKU | 文學士(建築文物保護) Bachelor of Arts in Conservation | 12 |
JS6042 | HKU | 文學士(城市研究) Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies | 12 |
JS6054 | HKU | 文學士 Bachelor of Arts | 385 |
JS6066 | HKU | 文學士及教育學士(語文教育) - 英文教育 (雙學位課程) Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education - English (double degree) | 40 |
JS6078 | HKU | 文學士(文學研究)及法學士 (雙學位課程) Bachelor of Arts in Literary Studies and Bachelor of Laws | 20 |
JS6080 | HKU | 文學士及教育學士(語文教育) - 中文教育 (雙學位課程) Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language Education - Chinese (double degree) | 30 |
JS6107 | HKU | 牙醫學士 Bachelor of Dental Surgery | 53 |
JS6119 | HKU | 教育學士及理學士 (雙學位課程) Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Science (double degree) | 25 |
JS6157 | HKU | 理學士(言語及聽覺科學) Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Sciences | 48 |
JS6183 | HKU | 理學士(運動及健康) Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Health | 15 |
JS6195 | HKU | 教育學士及社會科學學士 (雙學位課程) Bachelor of Education and Bachelor of Social Sciences (double degree) | 16 |
JS6406 | HKU | 法學士 Bachelor of Laws | 100 |
JS6456 | HKU | 內外全科醫學士 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery | 210 |
JS6468 | HKU | 護理學學士 Bachelor of Nursing | 190 |
JS6482 | HKU | 中醫全科學士 Bachelor of Chinese Medicine | 24 |
JS6494 | HKU | 藥劑學學士 Bachelor of Pharmacy | 25 |
JS6717 | HKU | 社會科學學士 Bachelor of Social Sciences | 195 |
JS6729 | HKU | 理學士(精算學) Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science | 70 |
JS6731 | HKU | 社會工作學學士 Bachelor of Social Work | 40 |
JS6767 | HKU | 經濟學學士 / 經濟金融學學士 Bachelor of Economics / Bachelor of Economics and Finance | 305 |
JS6781 | HKU | 工商管理學學士 / 工商管理學學士(會計及財務) Bachelor of Business Administration / Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance | 305 |
JS6793 | HKU | 工商管理學學士(資訊系統) Bachelor of Business Administration (Information Systems) | 20 |
JS6808 | HKU | 工商管理學學士(法學)及法學士 (雙學位課程) Bachelor of Business Administration (Law) and Bachelor of Laws | 70 |
JS6810 | HKU | 社會科學學士(政治學與法學)及法學士 (雙學位課程) Bachelor of Social Sciences (Government and Laws) and Bachelor of Laws | 50 |
JS6822 | HKU | 新聞學學士 Bachelor of Journalism | 30 |
JS6884 | HKU | 理學士(計量金融) Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Finance | 30 |
JS6896 | HKU | 工商管理學學士(國際商業及環球管理) Bachelor of Business Administration (International Business and Global Management) | 35 |
JS6901 | HKU | 理學士 Bachelor of Science | 358 |
JS6949 | HKU | 生物醫學學士 Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences | 20 |
JS6951 | HKU | 工學學士(工程科學) Bachelor of Engineering in Engineering Science | 30 |
JS6963 | HKU | 工學學士 Bachelor of Engineering | 444 |
JS9001 | OUHK | 心理學社會科學榮譽學士 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Psychology | 30 |
JS9002 | OUHK | 應用經濟社會科學榮譽學士 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Applied Economics | 30 |
JS9003 | OUHK | 政治及公共行政社會科學榮譽學士 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Politics and Public Administration | 30 |
JS9004 | OUHK | 應用社會研究社會科學榮譽學士 Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Applied Social Studies | 30 |
JS9011 | OUHK | 中文榮譽文學士 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Chinese | 50 |
JS9012 | OUHK | 創意寫作與電影藝術榮譽文學士 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Writing and Film Arts | 80 |
JS9013 | OUHK | 語言研究與翻譯榮譽文學士 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies and Translation | 50 |
JS9015 | OUHK | 攝影數碼藝術榮譽藝術學士 Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) in Photographic Digital Art | 80 |
JS9016 | OUHK | 創意廣告及媒體設計榮譽文學學士 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Advertising and Media Design | 80 |
JS9017 | OUHK | 英文及比較文學榮譽文學士 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English and Comparative Literature | 30 |
JS9220 | OUHK | 專業會計榮譽工商管理學士 Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Professional Accounting | 130 |
JS9230 | OUHK | 商業管理學榮譽工商管理學士 Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Business Management | 130 |
JS9240 | OUHK | 環球商業及市場學榮譽工商管理學士 Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Global Business and Marketing | 120 |
JS9250 | OUHK | 企業管治榮譽工商管理學士 Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Corporate Governance | 120 |
JS9260 | OUHK | 商業智能及分析學榮譽工商管理學士 Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Business Intelligence and Analysis | 40 |
JS9270 | OUHK | 財務學榮譽工商管理學士 Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Finance | 40 |
JS9530 | OUHK | 英語教學榮譽教育學士及英語研究榮譽學士 Bachelor of Education (Honours) in English Language Teaching & Bachelor of English Language Studies (Honours) | 30 |
JS9540 | OUHK | 英語研究榮譽學士 Bachelor of English Language Studies (Honours) | 60 |
JS9550 | OUHK | 語言研究榮譽學士(應用中國語言) Bachelor of Language Studies (Honours) (Applied Chinese Language Studies) | 50 |
JS9717 | OUHK | 互聯網科技榮譽電腦學學士 Bachelor of Computing (Honours) in Internet Technology | 65 |
JS9720 | OUHK | 電子及電腦工程學榮譽工學士 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronic and Computer Engineering | 35 |
JS9740 | OUHK | 護理學榮譽學士(普通科) Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) in General Health Care | 30 |
JS9750 | OUHK | 護理學榮譽學士(精神科) Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) in Mental Health Care | 25 |
JS9760 | OUHK | 檢測和認證榮譽理學士 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Testing and Certification | 50 |
你可能想瀏覽:2016 年大學聯招學額分佈 ⁞ 2014 年大學聯招學額分佈
關於這頁:網頁由「升學天地」網站製作,資料來自:大學聯招辦法網站,網頁更新日期是:2015-07-14 。
搜尋關鍵字: JUPAS 2015, 大學聯招辦法, 報名, 課程, 放榜, 費用, JUPAS deadline, JUPAS interview