思貝禮國際學校 Shrewsbury International School Hong Kong
在英國有 400 多年歷史的思貝禮學校,在將軍澳興建國際小學,現時在全球有兩所學校,除英國總校外,還有泰國曼谷分校,而香港思貝禮國際學校,則是三校中,唯一只辦小學課程的學校,其中幼兒班及預備班,將各有 4 班,每班不多於 20 人。Year 1-6,則不少於 6 班,每班 20 人。首年全校可提供 880 個學額,其中八成須為持海外護照的國際學生,本地學生比例為兩成。
Shrewsbury School is a leading independent school from the UK. Shrewsbury International School Hong Kong provides a Primary programme of study linked to the English National Curriculum. Developed especially to meet the needs of multi-lingual and international student body, it supports the achievement and successes of all children in the school. The School provides education for children aged between 3 and 11 and will offer over 1,000 places. The curriculum will be based on the English National Curriculum.
私立獨立的國際學校、全年學費約 HKD $201,200
A private and independent school. Tuition fee (per pupil for annum) is Nursery $162,200; Reception $174,200; Y1-Y6 $201,200.
有關學費詳情,請參看教育局提供的 收費證明書。
2018 年創立,位於將軍澳石角路
The school was set up in 2018 and located in Shek Kok Road, Tseung Kwan O.
課程 Curriculum: British
班級結構 Class Structure: Nursery, Reception, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6
Shrewsbury International School Hong Kong
地址: 將軍澳石角路10號。學校地圖 ⛳
電話: 24801500 傳真: 24801231
電郵: enquiries@shrewsbury.edu.hk
網址: https://www.shrewsbury.edu.hk/
專頁: ShrewsburyHKG
視頻: Youtube 影片頻道
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