Sagarmatha Kindergarten Sagarmatha Kindergarten
Language skills, enjoy, participate in and respond to stories, poems and music, develop pleasure in stories told and read; learn how to handle books and other learning materials correctly; experiment with a range of writing materials; explore mathematical situations designed to encourage concrete understanding of the world; develop mathematical language of size, shape and pattern; use equipment and resources constructively and imaginatively; develop body awareness; express themselves through drawing, painting, malleable materials, dance, drama and music making.。We focus on developing while learning to concentrate and to enjoy sharing as a part of a group. Children shall develop faculties of investigating and beginning to understand the things, places and people around them. Communicating with one another and developing skills in talking, listening, writing and reading are also emphasised. Students will be developed to use ideas about number, quantity, measurement, shape and space.
幼稚園質素:由教育局幼稚園視學組編寫的 評核報告(日期:2022-10-24)。
學校位置:元朗區 › 新界元朗青山公路162-168號聯昇樓2樓A,B,C室。學校地圖。
2001 年創立,辦學團體:Sagarmatha
Sagarmatha provides young children age 8 to 6 years with an enriching, caring and stimulating environment in which to develop, learn and become equally proficient for progression into higher learning. Our curricula fit into local and international setting. The children can prepare for their future education and at the same time take the first steps towards becoming well-rounded individuals.
學校有註冊課室 3 個,可容納約 150 個學生
學校有教職員約 6 位,師生比例約 1 位教師對 11 名學生
學校設有上午班和下午班,沒有全日班,以下是 3-6 歲各班學生人數(2023 年 9 月資料)。班級名稱對照表。
3-4歲 | 4-5歲 | 5-6歲 | 總數 | |
上午班 | 18 | 24 | 25 | 67 |
下午班 | 20 | 24 | 16 | 60 |
全日班 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
學校有參加「幼稚園教育計劃」,以下列出扣減政府資助後不同班別的全年學費和期數。這裡資料每年十月更新,有關學校的最新學費詳情,請參看教育局提供的 收費證明書。
幼兒 3-4 歲 | 低班 4-5 歲 | 高班 5-6 歲 | |
上午班 | 免費 | 免費 | 免費 |
下午班 | 免費 | 免費 | 免費 |
全日班 | - | - | - |
這幼稚園有參加教育局的「幼兒班收生安排」。根據教育局每年公佈的幼兒班(K1)學位空缺資料,大概知道該校的收生情況。以下每個標記(由左至右)分別是教育局於每年由一月尾至七月初不時公佈的:幼稚園 K1 學位空缺資料。圖示: ◼ 沒有學位空缺; ◻ 有學位空缺; ◸ 正處理候補名單; ◺ 沒有提供資料。
2024 學年入學: ◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼
2023 學年入學: ◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼
2022 學年入學: ◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼◼
2021 學年入學: ◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻
2020 學年入學: ◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻
2019 學年入學: ◸◸◸◸◸◸◸◸◼◼◼◼◼
Sagarmatha Kindergarten
Sagarmatha Kindergarten
地址: 新界元朗青山公路162-168號聯昇樓2樓A,B,C室
地圖: 點擊加載學校地圖
電話: 29440404 傳真: 29440550
網址: https://www.sagarmathakindergarten.com/
校監:Mr Rai Ekraj
校長:Ms Rai, Kamala
更多資訊:幼稚園概覽有學校的詳細資料:Sagarmatha Kindergarten概覽。教育局註冊資料:幼稚園上午班、幼稚園下午班。
關於這頁:這裡是由「升學天地」網站製作,匯集及陳述關於Sagarmatha Kindergarten多方面的資訊。這裡並不是該校的官方網站,如發現這網頁有任何不準確的地方或有改善之處,請電郵到:schooland@itn.com.hk 或使用這表格:回報功能。