Leapfrog Kindergarten Leapfrog Kindergarten
Leapfrog follows the UK Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum that has been modified to incorporate our bi-lingual class. Our basis of teaching is a learning through play and thematic teaching approach. Our main learning areas are: Communication and language, Physical development, Personal, social and emotional development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding of the world, and Expressive arts and design.。
1994 年創立,辦學團體:Leapfrog
Leapfrog was founded in 1992 by a group of parents looking for a playgroup for their little pre-schoolers. After a couple of temporary locations around Sai Kung we moved into our current home in 1996 and have not looked back since! Leapfrog is non-profit school run by the School Manager and the parent committee board. We are situated just inside beautiful Sai Kung Country Park, Leapfrog provides a spacious, natural environment for your child to grow and learn through play. We have a large outdoor play area with climbing frames, slides, ride-on toys, large sandpit and covered craft/activity areas and a mud kitchen and garden. We run a full Forest School program led by 3 qualified FS practitioners on a daily basis offering children the chance to learn, grow and thrive in a natural environment.
學校有註冊課室 1 個,可容納約 50 個學生
學校有教職員約 3 位,師生比例約 1 位教師對 5 名學生
學校設有上午班和下午班,沒有全日班,以下是 3-6 歲各班學生人數(2022 年 9 月資料)。班級名稱對照表。
3-4歲 | 4-5歲 | 5-6歲 | 總數 | |
上午班 | 0 | 16 | 0 | 16 |
下午班 | 18 | 0 | 0 | 18 |
全日班 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
全年學費 $54,000,分 10 期,即每期學費約 $5400
以下列出不同班別的全年學費和期數。有關學費資料詳情,請參看教育局提供的 收費證明書。
幼兒 3-4 歲 | 低班 4-5 歲 | 高班 5-6 歲 | |
上午班 | - | $54,000(10) | - |
下午班 | $37,000(10) | - | - |
全日班 | - | - | - |
Leapfrog Kindergarten
Leapfrog Kindergarten
地址: 新界西貢北潭涌村11號
地圖: 點擊加載學校地圖
電話: 27911540 傳真: 27923458
電郵: admin@leapfrogkindergarten.org
網址: http://www.leapfrogkindergarten.org
校監:Mrs Johnson Rachel Emma
校長:Ms Birgisdottir, Kristrun Lind
更多資訊:幼稚園概覽有學校的詳細資料:Leapfrog Kindergarten概覽。教育局註冊資料:幼稚園上午班、幼稚園下午班。
關於這頁:這裡是由「升學天地」網站製作,匯集及陳述關於Leapfrog Kindergarten多方面的資訊。這裡並不是該校的官方網站,如發現這網頁有任何不準確的地方或有改善之處,請電郵到:schooland@itn.com.hk 或使用這表格:回報功能。