意大利國際幼稚園 Italian International Kindergarten
Italian International Nursery and Kindergarten is the first Italian School opening in Hong Kong, and cooperating directly with Reggio Children, the well-known Italian educational institution, whose preschool was cited in 1991 by the American "Newsweek" magazine as the most advanced in the world for early childhood education. Nowadays, Reggio Children is inspiring schools in more than 140 countries. The kindergarten premises can welcome up to 200 pupils and will offer two curricula, "Italian/English, plus Chinese language and culture" and "English/Chinese plus Italian language and culture", both with half and whole-day options.。
2019 年創立
The founders of this school have been supporting and successfully managing the Accredited Italian Embassy Kindergarten and Primary School in Beijing since the time of its establishment in 2015. They have entrusted the same pedagogical team of Beijing to organize and supervise the establishment of this school, which is aimed at meeting the demand of an advanced international education of both the Italian and Hong Kong foreign community and, obviously, of the large Chinese local community.
學校有註冊課室 7 個,可容納約 112 個學生
學校有教職員約 9 位,師生比例約 1 位教師對 11 名學生
學校設有上午班、下午班、及全日班,以下是 3-6 歲各班學生人數(2022 年 9 月資料)。班級名稱對照表。
3-4歲 | 4-5歲 | 5-6歲 | 總數 | |
上午班 | 25 | 12 | 6 | 43 |
下午班 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
全日班 | 8 | 7 | 7 | 22 |
幼兒服務:幼稚園有提供 2-3 歲幼兒服務,收錄兒童約 34 人。
全年學費 $82,764 / $127,336,分 11 期,即每期學費約 $7524 / $11576。
以下列出不同班別的全年學費和期數。有關學費資料詳情,請參看教育局提供的 收費證明書。
幼兒 3-4 歲 | 低班 4-5 歲 | 高班 5-6 歲 | |
上午班 | $82,764(11) | $82,764(11) | $82,764(11) |
下午班 | $82,764(11) | $82,764(11) | $82,764(11) |
全日班 | $127,336(11) | $127,336(11) | $127,336(11) |
Italian International Kindergarten
地址: 香港鴨脷洲海怡半島第1期第4座平台第1層
地圖: 點擊加載學校地圖
電話: 26623066 傳真: 26623666
電郵: info@iikg.edu.hk
網址: http://iikg.edu.hk/
校監:Mr Cutrupia Franco
Facebook 專頁: iikghk
關於這頁:這裡是由「升學天地」網站製作,匯集及陳述關於意大利國際幼稚園多方面的資訊。這裡並不是該校的官方網站,如發現這網頁有任何不準確的地方或有改善之處,請電郵到:schooland@itn.com.hk 或使用這表格:回報功能。