Garden House Waldorf Kindergarten Garden House Waldorf Pre-School and Kindergarten
Garden House is an intermediate step for children between their home and formal schooling. Our aim is to provide a warm, calm, secure and aesthetic environment in which children’s imagination and creativity can flourish. The school offers a balance of classes that it is proud to share with children and families. Nursery/Kindergarten (2 to 6 years), Saturday Waldorf Fun Class (2 to 5 years).After school activity classes include Mandarin, Art and Craft, Ballet and music Classes (2.5 to 6 years).。Practical activities such as art, singing, movement, freeplay both indoors and outdoors and storytelling are the foundation of our curriculum with emphasis on the natural surroundings. The children enjoy a regular daily routine, learn to play together, share and take turns, listen to stories and puppet shows that feed their imagination.
2008 年創立,辦學團體:Garden House
Garden House is an extension of the family experience by providing an intermediate step for children between their home and formal schooling. Our focus is to provide an education that is developmentally appropriate, based on an understanding of the stages of a child’s physical, emotional and intellectual development which is the Head, Heart and Hands.
學校課室可容納約 90 個學生
其他設施包括:戶外遊戲場地、室內遊戲場地、Organic Garden and Farm, (sandpit, climbing frame, slide, balancing beam, fish ponds a。
學校有教職員約 6 位,師生比例約 1 位教師對 9 名學生
學校只設有上午班,以下是 3-6 歲各班學生人數(2023 年 9 月資料)。班級名稱對照表。
3-4歲 | 4-5歲 | 5-6歲 | 總數 | |
上午班 | 15 | 6 | 15 | 36 |
下午班 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
全日班 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
幼兒服務:幼稚園有提供 2-3 歲幼兒服務,收錄兒童約 15 人。
全年學費 $99,700,分 10 期,即每期學費約 $9970
以下列出不同班別的全年學費和期數。有關學費資料詳情,請參看教育局提供的 收費證明書。
幼兒 3-4 歲 | 低班 4-5 歲 | 高班 5-6 歲 | |
上午班 | $99,700(10) | $99,700(10) | $99,700(10) |
下午班 | $99,700(10) | $99,700(10) | $99,700(10) |
全日班 | - | - | - |
Garden House Waldorf Kindergarten
Garden House Waldorf Pre-School and Kindergarten
地址: 新界清水灣銀線灣道7號銀線灣商場地下
地圖: 點擊加載學校地圖
電話: 23581177 傳真: 23580077
電郵: info@gardenhouse.edu.hk
網址: http://www.gardenhouse.edu.hk
Facebook 專頁: gardenhouse.edu.hk
更多資訊:幼稚園概覽有學校的詳細資料:Garden House Waldorf Kindergarten概覽。教育局註冊資料:幼稚園上午班、幼稚園下午班。
關於這頁:這裡是由「升學天地」網站製作,匯集及陳述關於Garden House Waldorf Kindergarten多方面的資訊。這裡並不是該校的官方網站,如發現這網頁有任何不準確的地方或有改善之處,請電郵到:schooland@itn.com.hk 或使用這表格:回報功能。